The Exterior Design of Algerian Houses: Part 2

9 min readMay 31, 2022


photo by Issam Larkat

Based on what we have heard from the architects in Part 1 of this article, it is reasonable to determine that architecture is a matter that depends on both the government and the people. Moreover, we may conclude that it is a very sensitive issue and could harm Algerian society. Wherein the architectural structure of Algerian neighborhoods, as well as the designs of the exterior properties, are some of the aspects that negatively interfere with residents’ lifestyles, productivity, energy, and mental health. However, the majority of people, unfortunately, seem to be subconsciously unaware of this effect. Hence, in this article I am interviewing Kamila Senouci, an experienced architect, to learn more about this issue, her opinion on a solution, and her advice to the fresh architects.

  • Could you please tell us a little bit about yourself?

My name is Kamila, Kamila Senouci. I have an engineering degree in architecture (classical system) and a master's degree in architecture and heritage.

Since I was young, I liked to be creative, I liked drawing and handicrafts, and I had an overflowing imagination. When I graduated from high school, I told myself that I would find my passion in practicing architecture and that is why I chose it. I graduated in 2012 and have been practicing since then, but there were a few breaks in the middle of the road.

  • As an architectural designer, can you give us what is the relation between beauty and architecture?
photo by Issam

Architecture is the art of building, the art of designing. And art can only be beautiful. What is art if it does not reflect or express beauty? Originally, architecture reflected the beauty of ancient peoples and civilizations; it revealed their way of life and their stories to us by transmitting the beauty of their simple lives. If today's architecture in my country, for example, does not manage to fulfill this function, it is because there is a problem related to external factors rather than architecture itself.

  • How would you describe the Algerian exterior design of buildings and houses and what is the reason for the dull house exterior design? Do Algerians actually hire architects?

I can describe them in two words: chaos and visual pollution. The reasons are multiple and all actors in society are responsible. We cannot blame the citizen alone; if he cannot even manage his necessities, how can we ask him to care about the beauty of his house façade. There is another type of citizen who has the means but lacks an aesthetic culture. They do not see the importance of a well-designed facade and as architects; we have to play a role in negotiating with this type. It is up to us to convince them, we must improve our skills to do just that.

photo by Issam

The Algerian state also plays an important role; there are several laws that should organize the construction industry. However, not applicable, we do not control it; also corruption participates in the degradation of the situation for example by delivering building permits that should not be delivered. All this is aggravated from my point of view by the mentality of doing everything in a hurry that we inherited from post-independence to be able to meet the housing needs of the population. We continue with the same principle, that of building in an emergency without taking into consideration the quality of life.

To answer the second part, I think that currently there is a small change in this direction, the Algerians acquired more and more of this culture of consulting or calling upon an architect to build, even though there is still a large part that nevertheless does not respect the proposed plan.

  • Do you face any problems as an architectural designer?
photo by Issam

Yes, of course, and that is quite normal. I think the most difficult part is to succeed or rather to look for how to practice it always with passion and creativity (without being limited) and to continue to give in this field despite all the external difficulties.

· Individuals’ mentality and demeanor are claimed to be affected by lifeless neighborhoods that lack beauty and green places with damaged sidewalks, unpainted houses, broken streetlights, iron black doors, etc. What are your thoughts?

I totally agree; it directly or indirectly affects the personality of the inhabitants of this kind of neighborhood. I would say that it makes them more aggressive and more depressed in the long term. There is a recent discipline called environmental psychology that studies the double interaction between the person and his environment, starting from the fact that we influence our environment but the latter also influences us. It is also known that the space and its design influence the productivity of the person who uses it, there are also environments dedicated to healing. All of this confirms that this kind of area does indeed affect the mood and personality of its inhabitants.

photo by Issam
  • Are architects not really being professional and creative when it comes to their work? If yes, what is the reason in your opinion?

We cannot generalize that on all architects, there are those who are creative and professional and those who are not; and the state indirectly strengthens their practices in a variety of ways: the lack of control, the length of time required to study for architecture competitions, the selection of the least qualified, and the lack of competent businesses…

  • What is your opinion about the wall painting of the exterior houses? What can you say about those who leave their houses unpainted?

Contrary to the interior, the exterior facades belong to the public domain; For example, the state may contribute a percentage of the cost of painting and decorating the exterior, with the property owner. I believe that people have developed the habit of not painting the façade; as I previously stated they put little value on aesthetics.

photo by Issam
  • What do you think of the wooden exterior doors? Would you recommend it to people nowadays?

I find them warm and welcoming but I do not know if I can recommend them nowadays, and I understand much more if they are refused for security reasons.

· Another issue is that instead of renovating beautiful antique facade designs like the Chaoui or Kabyle style of architecture, some landowners or architects would replace them with the popular “Algerian modern half-finished building style” with red bricks, rusty windows, and metal black doors. What would you modify about that style of house design to make the streets more pleasant to live in?

A sad reality and an act that breaks my heart. The reasons are multiple but we are all responsible. First, the government must collaborate with universities and put into practice the answers proposed by researchers in the renovation of our local architecture, identity, and development to properly meet current needs. Then there are the teachers, who must further educate their students on this topic before passing it on to the architects, who must communicate to customers the societal values that we must not lose.

photos by Issam

As an architect, I would say that we must review our local architecture, study it and reintegrate it while remaining modern and without becoming historicists. I would say that we must stop copying the values of another society that does not correspond to our culture, that we must involve the clients in the design by studying their needs properly and especially work with other actors of the society (psychologists, sociologists …) to improve the quality of life in our cities and housing.

· Are there practical solutions for a better architectural design for houses?

In my opinion, there is no better architectural concept, what is beautiful for one person may not be for another. It is necessary first to put requirements as regards the design of the facades (at least the choice of colors) in search of visual harmony and as regards the design itself. I think that it is necessary to learn to study well the needs of the company in a general way and the customer precisely. Then, you have to enrich your knowledge as an architect in terms of theories and designs in architecture to see how our ancestors have solved problems similar to ours. Finally, you have to develop as an architect in all that marketing and communication to convince a client to choose this or that style for example.

· Where do you see Algerian architecture 10 years from now?

photo by Issam

I don’t have an answer to this, but I can confirm that at the moment there are several young architects (in my entourage at least) who feel involved, who feel bad about the situation of architecture in Algeria, and who have started to take steps to improve the situation, either in their practices or in the awareness of their entourages.

  • What is the most important lesson you learned as an architect that you will advise the next generation?

Never get discouraged! Never give up! Even if the situation in Algeria seems complicated, even if you see that everything is going wrong, always have hope. Believe in yourself and read the stories of people who have been able to change the world despite everything. It may take time, it may be difficult and you may think of giving up at some point, but continue to develop yourself no matter what the circumstances are; until the day, you have the opportunity to apply and change the situation little by little. You are the hope of our country and the builders of the Algeria of tomorrow, never give up! Take breaks if you have to, but never give up on your dreams because of a demotivating environment.

photo by Issam
  • How can an architectural designer in a third-world country, help make the Algerian neighborhood bit more vibrant and beautiful? Do you have any new ideas or projects that would make it so? Please share with us.

The architect cannot do it alone; he will never succeed without the help of the inhabitants of the area himself. His proposed ideas will depend on his position in the company, his rank, and his working environment… an architect working in the ministry of territory planning does not have the same role nor the same responsibilities as the one working in a simple design office for example. However, in my opinion, he should never stop dreaming and proposing ideas to the authorities. I don’t have any plans in this direction, but one of the ideas I have is to avoid dormitory neighborhoods and to go towards a social mix to make it lively and beautiful. I think that its inhabitants are the best placed to do it, hence the importance of involving them from the first phases of the design of a district, it is necessary to take their opinions, design with them, and make them feel that these spaces belong to them.

Photographs by: Issam Larkat

